Hi, Susie — I like the wickedly long and tapered tips of Agave potatorum. Our agave cactus has produced a stalk and the top has bloomed. il forme à terme une plante de 1,20 m à 1,80 en tous sens. Hope you have room for all your babies! Agave desmettiana is notorious for blooming out after being in the ground only a few years. Suitable for: light (sandy), medium (loamy) and heavy (clay) soils, prefers well-drained soil and can grow in nutritionally poor soil. I’d love to know if that’s the case. If i cut the spike before it blooms, is there a way i can encourage the spike to bloom and still produce offspring? La pulque est encore consommée de manière confidentielle au Mexique. Une plante ethnobotanique aux nombreux … Thanks for your informative website. Loved this post! A. vilmoriniana is about 12 to 15. There are so many varieties. Thanks for the great article! Our agave Plant is about to blossom after approximately 9-10 years, the stalk is approximately 12 feet tall. Do we need to cut this stalk before all those seed pods open and make new plants? Every time I see one, I marvel. Dragon Tree-Agave Leaves. jam or syrup or some dessert concoction? Uhhhhh why would you want to sever the magnificent foxtail? L’agave bleu est cultivé dans une terre sablonneuse ou graveleuse, très drainante, et assez peu riche. Debra. La floraison et monocarpique et annonce la mort de l’agave, qui a auparavant produit quelques rejets. The flower stalks of Agave attenuata are goofy looking, tall and curved like question marks. Alas, Agave attenuata is the most frost-tender agave that I know of. It grows in regions that typically do not experience temperatures below 25°F or above 97°F. Agaves are grown for their dramatic foliage, not their flowers. Il est plus souvent cultivé en pot, exposé dehors en plein soleil et rentré à l’abri du froid pour l’hiver dans un endroit sec et frais, pas forcément exposé) à la lumière dans la mesure où le substrat est laissé complètement sec. Aha Toro Tequila Anejo Super Premium tequilana Agave 40% 0,7 l Mexique. This is especially apparent when in bloom – some Agave can produce a flower stalk up to 40 feet tall. Debra. Mais l'agave a[...], L'agave � cou de cygne ou Agave attenuata fait partie du genre Agavac�es qui compte plus de 200 esp�ces diff�rentes. I only get to see it in the summer. If you enjoy entertaining, an agave bloom is a great excuse for a party. Many balk that they do not have pretty little pink flowers and that the spines might impale their dog or cat. 30 22 11. Debra–Thank you for such an informative and beautiful post. However I recently saw a photo of one blooming in a small pot. La plante change de métabolisme et sa sève s’enrichit fortement en sucre dans la période qui précède son imposante floraison. Agave are like roses and orchids, I would love to have a collection of them! Agave desmettiana bloom stalks turn from green to red as they mature. Aptly named, Agave tequilana ‘Weber Azul’ is specifically grown for tequila production. It is very beautiful plant and interesting to watch this happen, but sad to find out it is going to die. Agave angustifolia is widely used in the production of mezcal and pulque, though at least 10 other Agave species are also known to be used for this. If this lets me send photos I’ll put some great agaves. It blooms itself to death (but it’s also supremely easy to replace, as it’s sold in most supermarkets, in fact, I’ve given it the common name “supermarket kalanchoe.”) If it’s color you’re after, aloes have spectacular blooms in midwinter, and the leaves of some will redden in full sun. Agave tequilana, commonly called blue agave (agave azul) or tequila agave, is an agave plant that is an important economic product of Jalisco, Mexico, due to its role as the base ingredient of tequila, a popular distilled beverage. And of course, don’t plant agaves near walkways, dog runs or play areas! It helps me to remember the species name by imagining little potatoes skewered on the tips. Le pulque n'est pas produit à partir de l'agave bleu … Btw, the largest CSSA show is this month, August 15-16, 9 am to 5 pm at the Los Angeles Arboretum, 301 N Baldwin Ave., Arcadia, CA. This is Agave tequilana—the agave tequila is made from. But it is fascinating to watch it bloom. All the spikes were stuck together. Aussi connu sous le nom d’Agave bleue ou encore Agave à Tequila, c’est une plante succulente qui est à la base de la Tequila, boisson nationale mexicaine réputée par les connaisseurs du monde entier ! Variétés d'Agave conseillées pour une plantation au jardin. (Moral: If you grow Agave americana, be mean to it.). I think sawn-off trunks are unsightly, so I’d cut them so you can’t see them. It is now only a little larger, but looks healthy although it no longer produces many pups. My question is: in your experience how long does agave take to sprout pups? I’ve got a half dozen Volkswagen-sized Agave americana that are key elements in my garden. The best way of watering is soak and dry method this succulent. Is there a recommended place to saw off the trunk in this situation?? Thanks for sharing, (and my condolences on the blooming and mortality of your agave…), Hi, Jodi — Some agaves you might be able to grow: Agave parryi (hardy to minus 20 degrees), Agave gentrii (5 degrees), Agave neomexicana (minus 20), and Agave havardiana (minus 10). You could start a nursery. Kelley Macdonald has uploaded 4098 photos to Flickr. Leave them on as long as you can. Thanks for the info. Obviously they aren’t a plant for outdoors here in Nova Scotia, but I can vicariously enjoy them through photo-posts like this. Thanks…. India. Debra. Even if I cut off the stalk right now, the plants are still going to die? How exciting! Thank you! Debra. Debra. One cultivar of agave is the base ingredient for tequila. I have an agave blue ember that has decided to bloom after ten years in the ground. Debra and husband Jeff live in the foothills north of San Diego. Or does it just not matter? Debra. Hi, Michael — It doesn’t matter where you saw off the spent rosettes, and you don’t need to treat the raw area. ps – my caps lock seems to have deserted me. All Rights Reserved. I’m just getting acquainted with agaves and have four (including a new little Americana pup) here in Portland, OR. It grew but had to relocate to give it more growing space. Agave plants grow for many years without making any flowers. Debra. How very nice of you to tell me this and also everyone who reads the post and who may want more info about gardening with agaves. I have 3 blue silver surfer agaves. Hence the common name, foxtail agave. Agave Succulent Plant. This one is beneath a majestic 55 year old Black Pine with a Torrey shape, so it will be beautifully framed and supported as it reaches skyward! Il n'en reste plus que 3. Sorry for my clumsy English; i am a Spaniard . After all, foliage is so important. I found your page by searching ‘agave blooming’ but didn’t find what I would like to know: my agave is something that a friend brought back from Texas years ago. When it comes to Agave americana, when it blooms, it’s not only bittersweet, it’s a calamity—like having a big tree in your yard suddenly die. There are certain types of Aloe that can grow to be quite large, such as the Tree Aloe, but in general, Agave tend to be much larger than most varieties of Aloe. She is surrounded with some pups. The agave species (Agave tequilana… Il est originaire du Mexique, largement cultivé pour la fabrication de la téquila et quelques autres usages, au … It was so interesting to hear about a harvest that a village had to wait 20 years for! That is a wonderful photo… what a setting for such a bloom arching over the vast blue water! Also, I’m looking for a way to add color so what about Kanchoe blossifeldiana? Your own garden is absolutely lovely btw, and you have the cutest little cat! They must be littermates. I have a huge century plant in my backyard that finally toppled over…and all the green pods look with the yellow flowers look to be something I should be doing something with…can someone advise what I should do with this marvelous looking huge stalk of pods and things…I hate to just toss it…. Assume that original plant will die after blooming. I was going to remove all the small ones, but an arborist advised me that it may disturb the roots of the large one. The watering method is very important to keep your Agave healthy. The stock is growing 6” per day, an unreal pace. This is Agave tequilana —the agave tequila is made from. Hi, Debra, I saw Pam’s review of your book on her blog, and I immediately ordered it from Amazon. The Agave most commonly referred to as “the Century Plant” is Agave americana, which has been used in the landscapes throughout California for over 75 years. Mettre dans une casserole les graines de pavot, les couvrir d'eau, puis porter à ébullition et laisser cuire 5 min.... fabriquer entre autres la téquila ou le mezcal, Le pittosporum 'Golf Ball', une alternative au buis, Gingembre mioga, un gingembre japonais r�sistant au froid, Eloigner les insectes de la peinture fra�che. After all, you and your guests aren’t likely to see such an event again (in your garden) for at least another 14 years. I love the potatorum, I just bought one in California. La rosette de feuilles croît une dizaine d’années avant d’être capable de fleurir. Cependant, pour accroître la résistance au froid, l'eau ne doit pas stagner dans le pot : A. americana résiste à -10 °C dans les conditions d'un froid sec et d'un sol bien drainé, mais seulement à -5 °C dans d'autres cas. I will be leaving to go back to NY in a few days. We pulled apart the mature outside ones and were are to upright them. thanks for any help you can give me. Check out http://www.debraleebaldwin.com for more ideas. I am hoping you can tell me what I have. I’m sure the chances of getting two blooms in as many years is quite slim, so we are definitely celebrating around here! Agave americana‘s stalk is about the diameter of a telephone pole and nearly as tall. The drooping, lifeless leaves of this bloomed-out specimen have been trimmed to a pineapple-like trunk. However, the agave’s bloom is so unique and amazing that it certainly puts on a show as it dies. Les agaves apprécient les climats chauds, arides et les terres un peu fortes. and putting a very small amount of tension on the stalk so that it will fall in the yard and spread its little babies, how long after the tall stalk of the plant starts , does it take for the full bloom to appear. I have my plant potted in a small entry way garden and don’t have room to let them fall and propagate. This Agave thrives in rich and sandy soils. Hi, Nicole — Agaves have fibrous leaves, and yours is notable in that it’s the one that sisal is made from. Hi, Bought and moved into a new house in a Bayside area of Brisbane 9 months ago. LOL! I live in Mangalore,. They dry and last for a very long time. Les vieilles feuilles un peu abimées peuvent être coupées à la base chaque printemps, mais il faut se protéger les yeux, bras et jambes. Si on lui apporte un engrais à cactus (NPK équilibré) peu dosé une fois par an, c’est pour éviter de le rempoter tous les ans plutôt que de le faire grandir vite. I have a question. I am always amazed at those tall blooms. Hello, Hi, Janet — Thanks! Fortunately by the time agave flower spikes are ready to fall over, they’ve dried out and don’t weigh much. Elles sont bordées d’épines acérées qui se détachent volontiers lorsqu’elles s’enfoncent dans la peau du jardinier ou d’un animal. Much to my amazement, only days after cutting it, another Agave in my front yard, (different species) is beginning to bloom! Trying to identify what I believe is an agave plant in my yard…. Agave nectar, now sold in many supermarkets, is a popular natural sweetener. Les clématites offrent une belle diversité de magnifiques plantes grimpantes. Do you think that I could safely grow Agave attenuata (my favorite) without sun damage? For instance, the Blue Agave it’s used as one of the main ingredients in Tequilla. I have an agave plant had no idea thats what it was till i googled it it grew all last winter and the winter before last and now it blooming. The blooms are gone and the base is beginning to deteriorate. My havardiana agave’s 24′ high stalk is starting to lean and I’m worried it will topple over and hit cars in my driveway. The key is to know your garden’s microclimates—it might do really well for you, for example, planted against a wall of your house. L’agave bleu est de toute façon plus esthétique cultivé en solitaire. Thanks for sharing your talent and ideas. L'agave, comme la plupart des plantes succulentes (ou grasses), peut se cultive… It gets over 100 for a few days each year, but I didn’t loose anything in the 2007 freeze. Here in the Southwest, even savvy gardeners tend to think agaves are century plants (big, hulking Agave americana) and don’t realize the marvelous array of miniatures that are available. I always bend the pointed ends in and leave curled ends where I walk by. question -WAS I JUST LUCKY AND LEAVE IT ALONE OR MOVE TO A DRYER LOCATION WITH POOR SOIL? La vraie, la pure tequila est toujours étiquetée 100% agave azul / 100% blue agave. I am now taking photos daily as it progresses! Flower Color: Green, white, yellow: Hardiness Zones: 5 to 11: Native Area: Hot, arid regions of the Americas; also some tropical areas: The Spruce / Kara Riley Karin de Mamiel / Getty Images The Spruce / Kara Riley How to Grow Agave . Bien connu des collectionneurs, mais extr�mement rare, l'origine d'Agave pumila est... Agave geminiflora, l'agave � fleurs g�min�es ou agave � fleurs jumelles est une plante x�rophyte et succulente appartenant � la famille des Agavac�es ou Asparagac�es. the spikes are slightly separated. This could take a while! It was planted around 1994 or just prior. Please help this very old senior! Thank you for all your informative and beautiful articles! I would estimate the age of this plant to be less than 10 years. Bloom Time: Most plants only bloom once in their lifetime. Produite uniquement à partir d'agave bleue, la tequila est l'eau-de-vie mexicaine par excellence. Strawberry Shortcake. Have several offsets from the Blue Boy. i AM CURIOUS TO KNOW IF THERE IS AN AVERAGE LENGTH OF TIME FOR THE TREE THAT BLOOMS TO STAY UPRIGHT? Agave Cactus Leaves. Can stop an agave in our Austin, Texas neighborhood and i hated to hear it... Even if i cut and who can help me with that process … the agave that is about 7 old... Is removed as soon as it progresses i saw Pam ’ s used the. Their flowers ; but about a harvest that a village had to wait years... In both de feuilles croît une dizaine d ’ années avant d ’ années avant d ’ un grand dans. Being a so Cal native, agaves are grown for their dramatic foliage, not their.... The blue agave the small one in the 2007 freeze without sun damage the and! Their rosette ( 66,93 EUR/L ) 15,99 EUR de frais de livraison to blossom after 9-10! 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