This practice is actually a tradition of the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, who married ‘Ā’isha, may Allah be pleased with her, and delayed consummation until she was older. They may do it for various social or personal reasons. Marital intimacy is a natural extension of the love between a husband and a wife. After Nikah his mother wants him to wait 2 years Question. Over time, and with patience and practice, it will become easier, inshaAllah. If you continue to delay your consumption, for say 45 years (20 years currently and 65 at retirement) you'll delay the $1.00 today for approximately $20-$25 in the year 2060. You are talking about an option which is considered better, in case not possible it’s not an option. The reason for having the Engagement or Nikah and then having the Ruksathi(wedding party) later can be for many reasons, e.g. Although having the Walima after consummation is more in line with the Sunna of the Prophet (pbuh), it is not an obligation upon you and it is not haram for your guests to eat food that is served at your Walima if it happens before the consummation of the marriage. Thereby, they claim that Dr. Khan has added a sexual connotation to the narration in question which was not intended. In Islam having sex while wife is menstruating is considered Haram! It is tremendously significant for Muslims to get the nikkah complete when it is recognized that the man and woman are going to be expenditure their lives together. 6. If you choose the $1.07 you have chosen to delay your consumption of that $1.00 for a year. Islamic law defines nikah as a civil contract whose main function is to render sexual relations between a man and woman licit.Any sexual relations outside the nikah contract constitute the crime of zina (illicit sexual relations) and are subject to punishment. In most cases the consummation takes place within a few hours after Nikah, but sometimes families postpone the consummation of marriage for a later time. So the Consummation is delayed until after Ruksathi. Therefore, it becomes obvious that it is not correct for your mother to prevent you from being alone with her or touching her. In my culture there is a general misconception that after nikah if man and wife are living together the marriage should be consummated within four months, other wise it will get annulled itself. ... or if there is an agreement for delaying the consummation of the marriage. 5. one of them is still studying, are unable to live together yet etc. After stating this, they claim that Dr. Mushin Khan's translation is "poor" because he has (allegedly) added "consummation of" to the meaning of 'nikah', instead of simply rendering it as "marriage". After consummation (whenever it may be), the bride should not have milk, vinegar, coriander, sour apple or melon for a week, as they cause the womb to dry up and become cold and barren. Once the word is out and you know that the two are gonna get married, delaying the Marriage is sinful. NIKAH Literally the act of sexual intercourse, nikah is the term by which marriage is referred to in the Qur'an. Delaying marriage in Islam is forbidden. Foreplay, gentleness and intercourse again soon after can help reduce the pain of the tearing of the hymen. The hadith that you mentioned is often used out of context, and misquoted. The hymen may or may not bleed. In short, if you have an Islamically valid reason to delay consummation, then it is not sinful. Menstruation might be a reason that sex is not possible in the Nikah day.