The dream of kittens is a link to your feminine side and this is why this dream is normally associated with females. When the cat looked at me it’s face was half black and half ginger. I'm female - I haven't a clue what this dream means! On the flip side, dreaming of a sick or unhealthy feline could mean that a woman struggles with self-esteem and is ungrounded in regards to her sense of self-worth and validation. I don't know. I’ve never dreamt about my kitty although I do love him dearly. Being scratched by a cat in a dream suggests that you feel threatened. In waking life how do you feel about cats in general? Next Post: Walking Under a Ladder – Bad Luck, Superstition. Lastly, can you tell me what it was about this particular dream that caused you to write? Aisling Ireland (author) from Bolingbroke, GA on February 16, 2019: The thing that stands out to me in the dream is that the people around you seem to find that cat jumping into your arms cute, but you are trying "to stay calm." I'm just really confused Aisling. Islam Judaism Indian Hinduism Sikhism Buddhism Other Beliefs & Religions Alternative Religions Angels & Miracles Atheism & Agnosticism ... Baby: If you are nursing a baby, it denotes sorrow and misfortune. Dreaming about a dead baby. Dreams about someone else breastfeeding a baby. This is assign to pay more attention to the people around you and their actions. the so-called "cat and mouse sleeping together", it will be inauspicious. Essentially, a grey cat in a dream means the dreamer should try to take stock of what is happening in the dream and try to ascertain whether or not there is a message arising from their subconscious that they should be tuned into. Can you interpret? Aisling Ireland (author) from Bolingbroke, GA on March 09, 2019: Hi Kshipra, thanks for writing. i’ve never heard of those hallucinations.. and i personally love cats. But the kitten was comfortable with me when i touched him or her. This means that if a cat is being aggressive toward you, you may be struggling with your feminine side, or if it scratches you, you could be feeling threatened by someone or something. It is, moreover, the first Islamic guide in English to authentic dream interpretation. I suddenly feel empty a dream cat isn't with me . I wasn't afraid though because I thought that she was just being protective of her babies. I gave birth while standing with no pain and just got the kittens in my hand . Thank you in advance and i hope you can write me a few words back so i can understand the dream better. What did the cat have to say? I've manifested into actuality my dearest wish -- to live the remainder of my earthly time in the city I consider the home seat of my soul. The various felines in your dream represent some form of chaos in your life that can lead to feelings of overwhelm and anxiety. It symbolises joy and happiness for the one who sees her. If you dream about kittens, especially newborn kittens, or about loudly mewing and unseen cats, it may be an indication that you feel vulnerable and unable to get help. What could this mean? Anyway this cat was jumping at me, I was defending with my left hand so I got bitten, I felt a little bit of pain, I saw bite marks as well but no blood coming out. Just grooming the pollen from lilies from their coats can cause critical health problems for kitties. Was it the the black cat, the imagery of you strangling your dog, or the part where you were screaming without sound? Second, I always answer questions with questions, so please bear with me. One was a mother cat, I think she was black and the other was a grey kitten. In real, life she hates cats ... She didn't bark, the cats were just sleeping, not doing anything else. So in the dream, the black cat was sniffing people as they came in. I had a dream that I gave birth to a white, fluffy, very calm and beautiful female kitten . Dreaming about your cat. Such a dream might also be an indication to appreciate more the things you have in life. If you got several kittens as a gift, this is a sign of loneliness. The cat that i had is black in color with little amount white fur in his chest. Cats in dreams symbolize creativity, independence, feminine sexuality and power. I understand that you are no longer actively mourning your cat, but is it possible that you do still wonder what happened to him or wish that you could have definite closure? Got it. Sometimes these dreams may be associated with bad luck as well, especially if you are dreaming of a black cat. As a woman, stepping into and manifesting one's own power may sound both challenging and terrifying in today's world. That said, if you love white cats, maybe it means something wonderful is about to happen! It is, perhaps, the most annoying sound you have every heard, but it is completely normal. Cookies help us maximise your experience on our website. What is the primary concern that you have regarding this dream? I've only had a few, may 3 or 4 that I can recall. In my dream I was running..and suddenly I sat on the road tiredly..then I saw a cute little cat asking for food..I was surprised..because it just sounded like my old schoolmate..also it had 3 human fingers each in its hand...fair ,long nailed fingers with nail polish..then i gave it some liver fry of chicken ..i don't like to have.. but the car refused to take it.. Then my aunt came near me and warned me don't u remember what I told u about the incident that happened in my neighbouhood last week..come and leave it ..I nodded but Im sure I don't heard it in reality.. Next day I was made funny before classmates when I quickly opened the glass door and sat on chair with writing pad ..the board to write was a bit twirling..cause it's damaged..I sat on it ..when I tried to sit..all burst out to laughter..even I heard some saying she studied in my college.. I dreamt my cat walked up the wall and over the ceiling in my house, I dreamt of a cat with four heads, each one it’s own color and markings. I dreamt that we had an animal sanctuary and there waz a calico kitten in a cage it wAs so beautiful. How did you feel when you woke? Because a cat symbolizes your intuition and feminine power, dreaming of a dead cat can mean that you are disconnected from this part of yourself. I dreamt of a white and black cat trying to catch a snake that i was protecting and trying to hiss the cat away from the snake and run away from the cat. It has 2 hidden fans inside it's break . Im really curious to what that could mean. Then I look down and see that I'm covered in pink colour! The second part of the dream a black cat came to me and i started to pet him and thinking how familiar he was. If you dream of a litter of kittens, it could mean that you are feeling absolutely swamped and you need to invite more fun, enjoyment, and relaxation into your life. I was petting him and everything that was originally wrong with him was cured. Dreaming of killing a cat … Islamic dream Interpretation - The extensive indexes and well organized layout of this valuable site make it a useful dream dictionary of types of dreams and their meaning. However, if you have a younger girl in the house, the dream may indicate that you may have an overbearing female figure making the girl uncomfortable. I really appreciate hearing from readers. At the time of the dream I could feel the pressure of the cat on my chest and woke up to my bf at the time who was indeed applying pressure on my chest as he watched me sleep.. Not long after the dream I had a very bad time and kept seeing this dichotomy of halfback black and white. According to the Islamic dreambook, if you saw many kittens, this indicates, according to the Islamic dream book, the significance of current events and the emotional state of the dreamer. So, I put down my cat on the sofa and go to the washroom. The cat is most commonly linked to the representation of traits commonly linked to the feminine—vulnerability and intuition, for example—in both male and female dreamers. Interesting right. Does this sound right to you? Pet Poison Helpline | No Lilies for Kitties, The Oldest American Picture Book Still in Print is Obviously About Cats | Literary Hub, The Self, the Shadow, and the Anima of Jungian psychology. But I still can't shake in my waking life the sense of sorrow and guilt over this dream of even for one moment bringing discomfort and fear into my beloved pet's life. Then in less than a week I see the same cat again trying to give birth under water and she looked really tired like she needed help, soI take her out of the water and find her somewhere comfortable for her to give birth. They reveal parts of ourselves that may be hidden, such as visceral emotional responses or impulses that are unconscious, even if we are unaware of their presence in our waking life. It could also potentially mean that there is a dangerous and … It didn’t belong to me. I cant remember the rest of the dream but I do remember there were also red balloons and that felt significant. It can also bring to light what his attitude toward the opposite sex is, whether it is an attitude grounded in consciousness or unconsciousness. I just dreamt of a black cat at the end of my bed and that i was strangling my dog. The cat in women's dreams usually represents how the woman views herself. I was surprised and felt at ease when I realized the cat felt comfortable and had stayed with me. Cats in dreams are as complex as they are in real life—these animals can symbolize everything from a strong connection to your intuition to your subconscious perception of the opposite sex. In fact, few animals provoke more disparate emotions. Islam teaches Muslims to treat cats well and that the cat is a creature to be cherished and loved. Most of them where white with the exception of 2 or 3 being black and white. Aisling Ireland (author) from Bolingbroke, GA on March 12, 2019: Christian, I hear you! Yes, I love cats and used to have at home some years before. In your post you say that the dream seemed rather random, but there was something about it that captured your attention and imagination. Dreams speak a language, one that oftentimes uses bizarre images to get their point across. Today at 6 am I saw a dream where I saw a cat with three eyes. Therefore, as with most symbolic representations, the cat can be seen in either a positive or negative light depending on the circumstances. ISBN-13: 978-0691018317, The Dictionary of Dreams: Every Meaning Interpreted 1st Edition Even new kitty's nursing on baby cats slightly older. I couldn't because my mom is allergic and now I live in a hostel which doesn't allow pets. Again, I don't know how... but probably because of the Holi Festival is near? Nows when it gets hazy but i think i remeber the same cat or kitten coming back to me and brushing up against me and purring. (No worries. If you saw cats and kittens together in your dream, such dream might be indicating your gentle and loving nature. We continued on the journey and the black cat became mine . Has left me feeling rather uneasy all day. I frequently have dreams where I notice that my indoor cat is looking at the open door and about to walk outside but I always catch it in time. other people were watching them, but i don’t know who, they all had their backs turned. A cat showing up in a woman's dream can also represent her connection to her inner sense of power. ... You may attend a baby shower or hear about someone's pregnancy, if you dream of playing with a very newborn kitten. Sometimes people are concerned that these kinds of dreams are bad omens signifying that their child will be deformed, but nothing could be further from the truth. they just stood there, spread out in no particular order, and watched me, no blinking or moving. This happens more frequently when I'm trying to wake up and can't. He loved it and his eyes glowed a yellow orange color like fire . Of course, in order … First off, let me assure you there's nothing wrong with you! How did you feel about the dream after you woke? Power is not the same thing as control—controlling people like to direct everything and everyone around them precisely because they feel like they have no power. Everyone is ‘awwwing’ but I’m just focusing on staying calm. That proved to me that we do have some conscious control over our dreams. And then I remembered that I had a Scottish Fold cat. There was something weird with his eyes and in my dream it kept catching my attention, his eyes were very big and very very blue. As such, dream cats (just like their real-life counterparts), demand and deserve attention when they show up in your nocturnal visions. She returned after that and started nursing them but sadle one of them died the rest are so far so good.) All I remember was that’s it was calm silent dream and the cat was looking one way and then reveals the other side of its face. I'm wondering if the feeling that something was in your room was due to the dream. Facebook : Bookmark: what was your dream about.. Islamic dreams about Cat find dream interpretations. I find it odd that I so easily accepted the bizarre aspects of it, while everyone around me looked at them like monsters. Plus I remember they didn't have very long nails. I had this dream only once , and yes it just happened when I am trying to conceive . This article is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge. The streets were like from Aladdin but with like a circus is flare . What you may not know, and what the dream might be saying, is that you wish that people around you would give you the same consideration and care that you give to others. Wild kittens that tried to scare you are a symbol of conflicts with neighbors. However, a cat showing up in a dream bodes well and could very well mean you're getting closer to recognizing and honoring your inner power. How about snakes? Aisling Ireland (author) from Bolingbroke, GA on January 16, 2019: Hi Holly, thanks for writing. Publishing(February 1, 2017). As a result, one may feel dependent on others and frustrated as a result. Courage isn't acting when one isn't afraid. I was able to get the small kitten out, but during the effort the kitten wet itself and because of that, the black mother cat followed behind. I dream of a white kitten playing and i tried to be friend with him, like in reality that kitten come with me all of a sudden a snake come from us attacking us i run and the kitten left but the kitten fight back and defeated the snake. Do you like them, hate them, find them wise or think of them as symbols of evil? Aisling Ireland (author) from Bolingbroke, GA on January 18, 2019: My personal belief is that dreams are symbolic, not prophetic. Cats or kittens symbolize some type of women in your life. eight were tabbies, one was withe and orange, I only saw their backs. At the same time as I saw the cat, I saw that my current boyfriend was breaking with me. But am I missing something? The other cats seemed calm\quiet or tired. Then I went back to sleep and continued the dream. What to you, was the most important part of the dream or the part that stood out the most? I had a dream last night that I was at a supermarket with an aunt who used a walker. Are you a cat person? I love cats in real life so was really excited to see her. The first part of my dream had my orange tabby and i was sitting on my front porch of my old house petting him. If this is true, the kittens in the dream could symbolize feelings of helplessness over some issue you're confronting, something that you might need help with but not being able to find someone to take the time to actually help you sort out your problem. One that oftentimes uses bizarre images to get pregnant as I realized the cat worshipped by the as! I did n't like anyone one and would immediately bite or scratch eyes really out. With little amount white fur in his baby cat in dream islam make the right resource for help I up. Cat in women 's dreams usually represents how the dreamer will be accused of something he didn t... Personal perception includes not only how the religion interprets dreams in this series of as... Cat was white with the situation got results because I no longer dream playing... 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