22. 5.23 Figure 5.3 illustrates that there has been consistent growth in HELP debt since 2005. For payees, the strategy identifies their HELP statements; letters; the ATO App; myGov; ATO Online and social media as the relevant communication channels. Table 3.1: Proportion of payees who made a voluntary repayment, 2010–11 to 2012–13, No. 51 The ATO defines: strategic risks as those affecting the sustainability of the organisation; enterprise risks as those affecting the whole organisation; operational risks as those limited to one or two business areas; and tactical risks as those usually associated with specific events or activities within a team. Compared to most nations, student loans play a significant role in U.S. higher education. With more than two decades of experience helping college students make wise borrowing decisions the expertise and assets of The Loan Program remain true to the valued reputation it has built over the years. However, neither Education nor the ATO have met their respective risk management requirements under this agreement. It also examines the ATO’s application of the HELP indexation factor, compulsory repayment income thresholds and the HECS-HELP Benefit. The indexation figure is calculated each year after the March consumer price index is released. Higher Education Loan Program (HELP) and Financial Supplement debt If you have an accumulated HELP debt (known as HECS debt until 2006) or Financial Supplement debt, you will be required to repay this debt through the tax system when your income is above the minimum repayment threshold for compulsory repayment. The department also now has a formal and comprehensive risk plan in place for HELP, and has introduced risk management as a standing agenda item for department/ATO meetings. 4.16 The ATO developed a draft communication strategy for income contingent loan debts, including HELP debts.54 The strategy outlines communication channels and relevant target audiences.55 Under the strategy, loan recipients and intermediaries are to be supported to use a range of products and channels tailored to their specific needs, although online and other digital services are to be the driving focus in delivering messages to targeted audiences. on its website, which was updated with the 2015 compulsory repayment rates on 18 June 2015, records HECS-HELP Benefit transactions twice on payees’ accounts. 2.28 Education is required to advise the ATO by 7 May of the maximum HECS-HELP Benefit amounts for the next financial year. Figure 3.3: Timeliness for processing HECS-HELP Benefit applications. Australian Taxation Office, Higher Education Loan Program (HELP) and Trade Support Loan (TSL) repayment calculator [Internet], ATO, available from [accessed November 2015] and Department of Education and Training, Study Assist [Internet], Education, available from [accessed November 2015]. WHAT'S NEW. This information should improve the accuracy of Education’s HELP debt repayment forecasting. Within the body of the annual report, Education’s HELP performance information is limited to reporting against the deliverables and key performance indicators outlined in its Portfolio Budget Statements (as shown in Table 5.1). 5.4 The ATO reports on the value of HELP repayments in its annual reports. Include the relevant Request for Commonwealth assistanceform (that you must return) in the same package as your other enrolment documentation; or 2. Consequently, there is an increased risk of students being unaware of incurring a HELP debt. By 2024–25, Education expects that $55.0 billion of an estimated $192.5 billion outstanding HELP debt will not be repaid, and yet there is limited information available regarding the factors affecting the debt repayments. 5.27 The ATO is committed to providing reliable data to Education to assist them in analysing the characteristics of the HELP debt. 5.9 As illustrated in Table 5.2, a comparison of public reporting in other countries of income contingent study assistance loans indicates that Australia reports a relatively narrow range of HELP information. Students are required to repay the loan(s) once their income reaches a minimum threshold. 3.1 Under the Memorandum of Understanding with Education, the ATO is primarily responsible for the collection and administration of HELP debts. 17 The HELP repayment calculator enables payees to calculate an estimate of their compulsory repayment amount. 48 For VET FEE-HELP, this is rated as ‘high’ from an operational perspective and ‘medium’ from a departmental perspective, and for FEE-HELP, it is rated as ‘medium’ from both perspectives. In 2014–15, of 718 deferment applications that were denied or partly approved, there were 353 applications for review, of which: 42 were denied, 170 were approved, 135 were partially approved and six were withdrawn.37 With 86 per cent of these review outcomes favouring applicants to some extent, the ATO should disseminate the outcomes of these reviews to improve the quality of decision-making as well as consider whether additional guidance or training should be implemented to better support original decision makers. The HELP database project is designed to create a single HELP database to enable records held by Education, the ATO and the Australian Government Actuary to be matched.73 As illustrated in Figure 5.4, the database is expected to provide de-identified information relating to payees with a HELP debt, their likelihood of repaying that debt and factors that influence their capacity to repay.74, Figure 5.4: Preferred linkage design under the HELP database project. 1.17 To form a conclusion against the audit objective, the ANAO adopted the following high-level audit criteria: 1.20 The audit was conducted in accordance with ANAO Auditing Standards at a cost to the ANAO of approximately $585 000. Education and the ATO have a number of controls in place to support the collection, transfer and upload of reliable and accurate HELP debt data. Due to COVID-19 Parliament House has limited public access. 63 The confusion arises because individual transactions were not clearly labelled when HELP debt data was transferred from the ATO’s previous information technology system to the Integrated Core Processing system in 2010. The Higher Education Loan Program (HELP) assists eligible students with their student contribution or tuition fees from a university or other higher education provider. APPLICATION CLOSES IN. There is a particular risk associated with people who have incurred a VET FEE-HELP debt as a result of unscrupulous behaviour by some providers. 53 According to the Memorandum of Understanding, the Management Committee is made up of the Memorandum of Understanding managers from each agency. 1.6 HELP debts can be repaid through compulsory and voluntary repayments. Education and the ATO measure HELP performance through a range of deliverables and key performance indicators. The department is working with the ATO to review and enhance these processes to ensure future compliance risks associated with HELP are effectively identified, documented and addressed in one place. Applicants are given the opportunity to review the submission before a decision is made. Are you an Employer with employees who are HELB Loan Beneficiaries? Engagements are measured by audience interaction with the post. 5.11 The ATO is committed to assisting Education in providing information to enhance publically available information. develop risk management plans for their respective services under the Memorandum of Understanding; and. The net repayment figures also do not include any retrospective corrections which will be reflected in the year the adjustment is processed. More information about HECS-HELP is available on the Study Assistwebsite. However, similar to the HELP performance framework (paragraphs 5.2 and 5.3), there is limited information on quality and sustainability. Source: ANAO analysis of Education’s 2013–14, 2014–15 and 2015-16 Portfolio Budget Statements and Education’s 2013–14 and 2014–15 Annual Reports. Views 1393. 23 These eligibility requirements include residing in rural and regional areas, Indigenous communities and areas of socio-economic disadvantage. The Scheme closed on 31 December 2003 and existing debts continue to be collected through the tax system. 1.9 Debts can be written off for three reasons: irrecoverable at law; uneconomical to pursue; and death. Source: ANAO interpretation of ATO information. This will enable greater analysis of factors affecting HELP debt repayment and inform future policy and program design. The ATO did not replace the statement mail out with alternative ATO-initiated correspondence relating to changes in payees’ HELP debt balances. Further, the absence of detailed repayment information impacts on the accuracy of program forecasts. 49 The risk management framework indicates that Education prefers not to accept risks rated as ‘high’ or ‘extreme’. The repayment rate for the highest tier was only four percent for income of $91,426 or higher. ATO officers who disagree with their assessment outcome can request a review. The Australian Government provides income-contingent loans to eligible students through the Higher Education Loan Program (HELP), which removes up-front cost barriers to tertiary education and training. The ATO manages relatively few HELP write-offs, waivers and deferments, and applies its broader corporate policies and processes in this regard. It also includes compulsory repayment and voluntary repayment calculators. Tax File Numbers (TFNs) are confirmed as valid TFNs when providers submit the student debt data, however, they are not confirmed as belonging to the relevant student. Loan Programs are a product of NorthStar, a nonprofit lender based in Minnesota. The department has commenced a project to improve its capacity to analyse the factors that influence payee’s capacity to repay HELP debt. Assessments conducted as part of the Service Delivery Quality Framework indicated that the main team responsible for administering HELP is performing strongly. In most cases, the structure of these programs is similar to that of Australia; payees are eligible to borrow funds to help cover tuition and living expenses, and payments can be deferred until after study is completed. Further, as a proportion of compulsory repayments, the total value of deferments approved each year has remained relatively stable.36, Figure 3.5: Outcomes of HELP deferment applications since 2009–10. The second improvement was adjusting an Education process to enable the ATO to receive and process data automatically. For example, the then Education Minister wrote to the then Prime Minister advising that data limitations delayed the department from progressing policy options for recovering repayments from overseas payees. There are complex eligibility requirements for the HECS-HELP Benefit, including the type of course completed, the type of employment undertaken and for early childhood education there are also geographic and other eligibility requirements.23, 3.10 Payees are required to apply for the HECS-HELP Benefit each income year and must apply within two years of the conclusion of the relevant income year. To improve the effectiveness of these processes for HELP, the ATO is revising its broader guidance for write-offs, which is out of date and incomplete, and may need to introduce guidance on waivers. As loan repayments cannot be attributed to specific loan types (refer paragraph 5.18), these 705 payees were assigned to the HELP loan type for which they had incurred the largest amount of debt. 18. For the 2015–16 income year, the minimum repayment income threshold is $54 126. By preparing a risk management plan that examines this risk in more detail and reflects other risks specific to these services, Education could focus more effectively on resolving some of the shortcomings associated with the data collection process outlined in Chapter 2. 2.17 In 27 of the outstanding instances, the ATO has received further debt files in relation to the associated students. Table 4.1 illustrates the ATO compliance projects that raised the largest amount of compulsory repayments. 4.10 The Memorandum of Understanding between Education and the ATO states that the Management Committee’s53 role includes managing risks and formulating strategies to minimise risks. 5.22 Accurate repayment forecasting is necessary for informed program decision making. The ANAO suggests that the ATO update the HELP repayment calculator with the compulsory repayment income threshold amount earlier in, or prior to, the relevant financial year. The revisions are calculated according to a formula based on the Average Weekly Earnings figure.15. HELP provides significant economic benefits for individuals and Australia’s communities including wider societal benefits such as reduced unemployment and welfare dependency. Figures have not been adjusted for inflation. The two agencies report only limited information publicly relating to the program and could expand the information reported for the benefit of stakeholders. HELP debt and repayments are collected and managed by the Australian Taxation Office (ATO). Note: This analysis is based on the population of graduates who last incurred HELP debt in 2010 (approximately 134 000). The ANAO suggested that the ATO provide guidance about requests for waivers (paragraph 3.25), disseminate the outcome of deferment reviews (paragraph 3.29), and reassess its targets and reporting for the quality assessor reviews (paragraph 3.37). (Source: ATO and Parliamentary Library estimates, HELP statistics 2019–20, Table 5, 28 October 2020). It is expected that the spike in repayments was due to payees taking advantage of the higher ten per cent bonus before it was reduced to five per cent in 2012. 2.16 For 2013–14 and 2014–15, 22 debts were cancelled by providers and as at 16 September 2015, there were 62 unresolved student debts for the same period. However, these activities are not supported by a risk-based compliance and enforcement strategy. Targeting clients who underreport their interest earned on investments and bank deposits. 4.6 The ATO has not developed a risk management plan for HELP. The ATO estimated that these issues affect 12 000 payees and cost approximately $180 000 per annum in staff time to manage. The 2018 Student Loan Sustainability Act changed the arrangements for all Higher Education Loan Program (HELP) loans: HELP debt repayment rates have changed and the minimum repayment threshold was lowered from 1 July 2019. The Higher Education Loan Program (HELP) is a mature program, based on a solid foundation of collecting student loan debt through the income tax system. 6 CHESSNs are unique identification numbers that are used by providers and the Australian Government to identify students. The risk management arrangements outlined in the Memorandum of Understanding should assist with the effective management of HELP risks. Despite its projections of strong, accelerating growth and high levels of HELP debt, Education was unable to demonstrate that it routinely monitored and analysed factors affecting the repayment of HELP debt. 3. Assessments conducted as part of the Service Delivery Quality Framework indicated that the main team responsible for administering HELP is performing strongly. The ATO advised the ANAO that additional debt can be incurred by a student while the ATO carries out the steps outlined in Figure 2.2. Are you a University or TVET institution with students who are HELB Loan beneficiaries? This growth in debt is largely due to an expected increase in university commencements, mainly as a result of the uncapping of Commonwealth supported places for undergraduate courses from 1 January 2012 and the broadening of the HELP scheme to include the VET FEE-HELP scheme. The average HELP debt is $22,944. For example, the ATO could monitor and report to Education on providers’ compliance with requests to remit student debts that could not be matched to an ATO client record. For example, Figure 5.2 illustrates the increasing value of new HELP debt being incurred by students aged 60 years and older. Note 1: Education publicly reports on the impaired value of the HELP debt. Figure 2.2: The ATO’s manual processes for matching information about HELP debts. The Australian Government Actuary estimated the value of the debt incurred for semester 1 2015 as $3.9 billion. Undergraduate Loan: 2020-2021 Second & … It also needs to improve the timeliness of processing applications for the deferment of HELP debt repayments in order to meet internal standards. HELB MOBILE APP . 2.21 As part of the annual financial statement audit program, the ANAO recalculates the repayment income and compulsory repayments, where relevant, for a sample of income tax returns with a HELP and/or Student Financial Supplement Scheme debt.16 The Student Financial Supplement Scheme was a voluntary loan scheme to help tertiary students cover their expenses while studying. Browse our range of publications including performance and financial statement audit reports, assurance review reports, information reports and annual reports. Figure 2.1: The ATO’s processes for uploading information about HELP debts. These reports provide information relevant to the design and sustainability of the program, including the value of debt and repayments by age and gender of payees, age of debt, proportion of payees who have never declared an income and the impact of policy changes such as the increase in the compulsory repayment threshold in 2004–05. Around half (26) of the posts were about voluntary repayments or the voluntary repayment bonus. 11. 3.26 Payees can apply for a compulsory repayment deferment for the current, previous and next financial years.32 Deferring a compulsory repayment does not reduce the payee’s accumulated debt value, as the value of the compulsory repayment remains part of the total accumulated debt and continues to be indexed on an annual basis. The ATO accurately calculates HELP compulsory repayments but could not advise the ANAO of the value of these repayments that had been raised but not collected. 5.1 Education’s recent Portfolio Budget Statements have included five deliverables relating to the number of new HELP loans and three key performance indicators for the program, as illustrated in Table 5.1. These debts will continue to increase in value with the application of annual indexation. 5.3 Given the significant projected growth in HELP debt (refer to Figure 5.3), ongoing sustainability of the program should be measured. However, there is further scope to address the underlying data integrity and system misalignment issues—in particular, by further aligning the data field rules between the ATO’s and Education’s systems and improving the completeness of student data. Higher education loan program (HELP) Debt Options Menu Options. Consequently, there is no explicit coverage of HELP risks by the ATO. 2.18 In accordance with the Higher Education Support Act 2003, on 1 June HELP debts are potentially subject to an indexation factor that is calculated annually.13 The ATO is required to: calculate the indexation factor; report it in the Government Notices Gazette; and apply it to HELP debts which remain unpaid for the preceding 11 months.14. 20 The ATO advised that if legislation had been introduced to reflect the measure and thus require repayments to be differentiated by loan type, it would have enhanced its Integrated Core Processing system with this capability. Early childhood teachers are only required to spend some of their time employed in this field. Payees who make voluntary repayments receive a five per cent bonus, however, the Australian Government has announced the discontinuation of the bonus from 1 January 2017. Figure 4.1: Topic of HELP posts by channel from April 2014 to October 2015. However, compulsory repayments withheld by employers are not immediately credited against the payee’s HELP debt. The deliverables and key performance indicators outlined in Table 5.1 do not reflect the sustainability objective. In turn, Education can use this information to inform provider risk profiles (Chapter 3). Examples include monitoring the number and value of voluntary repayments following related posts, and monitoring the number of visits to ATO Online following posts about accessing accounts through myGov.58 This would provide a further indication of the effectiveness of posts. Of particular significance is that the Higher Education Report does not include information about VET FEE-HELP, which is the fastest growing component of HELP debt.71 Further, as illustrated in Figure 5.1, the ANAO’s analysis of repayments by loan type from 2010–11 to 2012–13 indicated that VET FEE-HELP loans had the lowest repayment rate. 2.6 There are multiple checks for some errors. 5.28 The department analyses the characteristics of debt and repayments in order to provide advice to government on future policy directions of HELP. Each element is graded one of four ways: exceeded; achieved; improvement needed; and considerable improvement needed.46 ATO Quality assessments are intended to be tailored based on risk.47. 4 These figures do not include the value of debt incurred in semester 1 of 2015. To enable informed decision making regarding HELP, the ANAO recommends that Education more fully analyses characteristics of debt and repayments, and consider this information to inform program design. Note: The ‘number of applications’ refers to deferment applications processed in the relevant financial year. Source: ANAO interpretation of ATO information. Education advised the ANAO that the project is expected to be completed in July 2017. 1.15 The Memorandum of Understanding also provides the ATO with responsibility for collecting and administering HELP debts. HELP is regulated by provisions in the Higher Education Support Act 2003 and is administered by the Department of Education and Training (Education). The full extent and cost of these issues is unknown as their occurrence is not routinely recorded by the ATO or Education. The FEE-HELP and VET FEE-HELP risk management plans both identify the risk of providers submitting false or misleading information or not providing necessary information48, which is relevant to Education’s transfer of data to the ATO. The ATO should revise this advice to accurately reflect the information available. 1.11 As illustrated in Figure 1.2, this debt is projected to continue growing to approximately $55.3 billion in 2016–17 and $67.6 billion by 2017–18, with around 23 per cent of that debt not expected to be collected. 154-60 and 154-65. In finalising its HELP communication strategy, it would be useful for the ATO to outline a forward work program. 4.36 The ATO undertakes general employer compliance activities, including desk and field audits, and business-as-usual payee compliance activities that include coverage of HELP. Number of reviews undertaken, recommended for variation and varied. 1. Introducing such a strategy would assist the agencies to target compliance activities and provide assurance in relation to the mitigation of HELP compliance risks. Note: The ‘number of applications’ refers to applications received in the relevant financial year. 4.22 General information about HELP debts and repayments is provided on the ATO’s website and on Education’s website, Study Assist.59 The websites contain relevant information relating to the key administrative aspects of HELP debts and repayments, such as voluntary and compulsory repayments, deferring compulsory repayments, debt write-offs and indexation. 69 Department of Education and Training, Department of Education and Training Annual Report 2014–15 [Internet], Education, available from [accessed November 2015]. 2.2 Education transfers student debt data in three file types to the ATO: DUE file; Previously Unreported Debt file5; and Revisions file. 54 The ATO is also responsible for administering debt collection for other income contingent loans, for example, the Student Financial Supplement Scheme. 3.18 Debts that are deemed as uneconomical to pursue and are subsequently written-off are mostly low-value debt amounts. The ATO ceased mailing out account statements in 2013, without introducing an alternative means of informing payees of changes to their HELP debt. TFN verification is expected to improve the efficiency of the debt matching process. However, the ATO did not provide the ANAO with an extract of HECS-HELP Benefit data that was reliable for testing purposes and consequently this testing was not undertaken. 4.44 Developing a coordinated HELP compliance strategy informed by an assessment of risks would also assist the two agencies to ensure that compliance efforts are most effectively targeted. As explained above, this largely reflects the omission of VET Student Loans borrowers from the 2019–20 data. And proportionate, to enable the agencies to target their limited resources appropriately HECS-HELP loan if you obtained. Measure across all three channels is the ATO and myGov for additional information are. 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